1. 'AB' group blood can be donated to
A. 'A' Group only
B. 'B' Group only
C. 'O' Group only
D. 'AB' Group only

2. 'AB' group blood can be donated to
A. 'A' Group only
B. 'B' Group only
C. 'O' Group only
D. 'AB' Group only

3. The role of Science club is inevitable in Science Education. Which one of the following will you
disagree with?
A. To develop deep knowledge in class room science learning
B. To increase scientific interest
C. To understand scientific knowledge through experiments

D. To develop awareness and concern for scientific issues in personal, social, environmental and technological contexts.

4. Which one of the following peculiarities is not
related to 'Vechoor Cow'?
A. Kerala's indegenous cow
B. Low fodder cost
C. Endangered species
D. Tallest cow
