1. Number System - Prime and Composite Numbers, Tests of divisibility, whole numbers,
integers, fractions, decimal fractions, L.C.M. and G.C.M. rational numbers and irrational
numbers. Properties of numbers, Real numbers; laws of exponents, squares, square roots,
cubes, cube roots, finding missing number represented as alphabets in sums involving array
of four operations, number patterns, number puzzles and frames
2. Arithmetic - Ratio and proportion, simple interest, compound interest, Time and distance,
Discount, partnership, relative speed and angular speed
3. Sets - Concept of set, set language, empty set, finite and infinite sets, subset and equality of
the set, Cartesian product of sets, cardinal number of set, set operations, representation of
sets, Venn diagrams and their properties, Relations.
4. Algebra -Introduction to Algebra, expressions, exponents and powers, Factorization special
products and expansions, linear equations and their graphs, system of inequations,
5. Geometry - History of Geometry, Contribution of India in the Development of Geometry,
Euclid Geometry, Lines & Angles, Properties of Circles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals and
polygons, Parts of Circle : Construction of Circle, Triangles and Quadrilaterals, Circles and
concurrent lines in triangles, Co-ordinate Geometry, Co-ordinates of a point, plotting of
points, linking linear equations into variables (of the type ax+by+c=0 in the Cartisian
coordination system), Linear equations with 2 variables, symmetry.
6. Mensuration - Perimeter and Area of a Square and Rectangle. Area of Triangle, Circle,
Ring and Quadrilaterals. Surface area and volume of Cube, Cuboid.
7. Data Handling - Collection and Classification of Data, Frequency distribution table, Tally
marks, Bar graph, Pictograph and Pie diagrams.
PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)
1. Definition and Nature of Mathematics
2. Aims, values and instructional objectives of teaching Mathematics
3. Methods of Teaching Mathematics
4. Instructional material in Mathematics - TLM in Mathematics
5. Instructional Planning
6. Designing, Administration, Analysis of scholastic Achievement test (SAT)
7. The Mathematics Teacher
8. Resource Utilization
9. Curriculum and Text Book
10. Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching
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